If you‘re looking for budget-friendly sofa – Ektorp is your choice. Upholstered cushions, piping details and rounded armrests can create a classy farmhouse look for your sitting room. Though Ektorp may seem romantic, it is quite tough and durable, so it is especially popular among young families. Think about all the hiding places under the cushions. All the candy you could hide...


Ektorp sofa covers

So to buy this sofa or not to buy - this is the question… Here are some Pros and Cons that may help you to make the right decision.

  • Reasonable Price. Did you know that you could buy new, fresh, clean 3-seat sofa in IKEA shop for only 300 pounds? In comparison to price similar style sofa would cost 2 or even 3 times more in regular furniture shops. Even though assembly could be a bit tricky, the result will be worth your effort.
  • Cushions that bring comfort. I always believe that the most comfortable sofa is the one with the seat cushions you can curl up in. Also, this sofa has a chaise longue which can be adjusted to the sofa, which makes it even more comfy. However, if you are a taller person I would suggest to see it in the showroom and try it yourself. It has less depth than regular sofas so it may not have enough space for your legs.
  • Washable covers. Did you know that Ektorp sofa cover can be washed and used again? That means that your sofa will maintain a fresh look even after years of using it. Also, the best part of it that you can choose the most suitable material and color that would perfectly fit your interior. Please feel free to look around in our Ektorp collection!

    IKEA Ektorp sofa covers

    If you have any questions regarding IKEA sofa styles don’t hesitate to contact us via email. Moreover, we invite you to visit our shop, where you'll find the most suitable Ektorp sofa cover after the old one worns out.



    22 noviembre 2019